Posts Tagged ‘Facebook’

DMW rocks

Posted: April 21, 2011 in General
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Okay so last night I heard someone mention that we need to have a web sit for DMW, well ja that s all fine but it means hosting and a whole lot of other stuff so I took the initiative to start a blog. And here it is. Okay so what I think must happen here is if you have anything to say or want on it just add it in comments but I will try to keep it as up to date as possible with the happenings in and about DMW and games etc I will also add links to specific sites like Facebook etc and other gaming forum

I am going to leave the site as an open site and who knows maybe if people or organisations like BT games etc see what we are doing then we can try to get some sponsorship or something. I want this to be a fun thing so add anything related to DMW or the gaming community that you deem fit.

Get your friends to register on the blog as well so we can get the numbers up and if we can do this we can negotiate with companies for some specials.

yours in service OldManOnDaMove.